Upcoming Events – North America Nakba Tour

Latest Past Events

May 30, South Florida: Stateless and Abandoned: Personal Stories from Palestinian Women Exiled in Lebanon

1943 N. University Dr. 1943 N. University Dr., Coral Springs

  Al-Awda, Florida Presents Commemorating Al-Nakba May 30, 2022 — 2:00pm 1943 N. University Dr. Coral Springs, FL, 33071 904-806-9141 These Palestinians have different experiences than other Palestinians, even as they share a common struggle and identity. They are not living under Israeli occupation. Israel does not allow them to visit their homes, much less live there. As exiles, they have a different perspective from Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the part of Palestine that became Israel. Please join us to hear from Hanin, Hiba, Samar and Ruba, who will speak about their lives as stateless Palestinians in Lebanon.  

Online Event: Live from Lebanon — Hear the Stories of Palestinian Refugee Women

  Register for the event here: bit.ly/JVPLA-NakbaTour For more information on the young speakers, visit: www.nakbatour.com On May 1st, at 10 a.m. Pacific Time, JVP-LA is having a unique live zoom event with four young Palestinian women from the refugee camps in Lebanon. These are the descendants of Palestinians expelled by Zionist paramilitary gangs in 1948 who are still living the harsh legacy of al-Nakba (the Catastrophe). These young women represent the 3rd and 4th generations of Palestinians living as stateless refugees in Lebanon because Israel and the United States refuse to recognize their right to return to their homes in Palestine. We’ll have the opportunity to hear their own deeply moving personal accounts of their every day lives, fraught as they are with severe discrimination in every area of public life in Lebanon, but also buoyed by the belief that one day they will return to their homeland in freedom and equality. This is an important story that Israel does not want told precisely because it will inspire people of good will everywhere to be active for justice for Palestinians. Register for the event here: bit.ly/JVPLA-NakbaTour For more information on the young speakers, visit: www.nakbatour.com Please join us and our co-sponsors for this event: JVP – Central Ohio JVP – Cleveland JVP – Hudson Valley JVP – Northern New Jersey JVP – Portland JVP – Rogue Valley JVP – San Diego JVP – Tucson & Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition American Muslims for Palestine, SoCal Jews for Palestinian Right of Return LA4Palestine People for Palestinian-Israeli Justice United Church of Christ Palestine/Israel Network

North America Nakba Tour at Israeli Apartheid Week

The 2021 North America Nakba Tour joined Bears for Palestine and the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) for Israeli Apartheid Week 2021 and a program on Palestinian refugees and the right to return on April 6, 2021: