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Culver City, CA: North America Nakba Tour – The Exiled Palestinians

Sepulveda Peace Center 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City

Wednesday, May 1 7:00 pm Sepulveda Peace Center 3916 Sepulveda Blvd. Culver City, CA In 1948, Zionist militias drove out the inhabitants of the ancient Palestinian town of al-Zeeb. Mariam Fathalla, known respectfully as Umm Akram, was one of them. More than half of all Palestinians were killed or expelled that year during what Palestinians call "The Nakba" or catastrophe. Umm Akram has spent 71 years in a crowded refugee camp where she has raised three generations, all waiting to return to Palestine. She has lived through five Israeli invasions. She wants to meet you. So does Amena ElAshkar, the granddaughter of Nakba survivors who has known no home but a refugee camp. Hear their real stories.

San Diego: The Exiled Palestinians

All Souls Episcopal Church 1475 Catalina Blvd, San Diego

Monday, April 29 – San Diego: 7:00 pm All Souls’ Episcopal Church 1475 Catalina Blvd San Diego, CA Facebook: www.facebook.com/events/433659253848001/ In 1948, Zionist militias drove out the inhabitants of Al-Zeeb. Mariam Fathalla, known respectfully as Umm Akram (mother of Akram), was one of them. More than half of all Palestinians were killed or expelled that year during what Palestinians call “the Nakba” or catastrophe. Umm Akram has spent 71 years in a crowded makeshift refugee camp where she has raised three generations, all waiting to return to Palestine. She has lived through five Israeli invasions. She wants to meet you. So does Amena el Ashkar the granddaughter of Nakba survivors who has known no home but a refugee camp. They have a different message than other Palestinians. They are not living under Israeli occupation. Israel does not allow them to visit their homes, much less live there. As exiles, they have a different perspective from Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza and the part of Palestine that became Israel. HEAR THEIR REAL STORIES.

Fullerton, CA: North America Nakba Tour – the Exiled Palestinians

Cal State Fullerton Building Cal State - Fullerton, Fullerton

Sunday, April 28 1:00 pm Ontiveros Room, TSU – Titan Student Union 800 North State College Boulevard Fullerton, CA  In 1948, Zionist militias drove out the inhabitants of the ancient Palestinian town of al-Zeeb. Mariam Fathalla, known respectfully as Umm Akram, was one of them. More than half of all Palestinians were killed or expelled that year during what Palestinians call "The Nakba" or catastrophe. Umm Akram has spent 71 years in a crowded refugee camp where she has raised three generations, all waiting to return to Palestine. She has lived through five Israeli invasions. She wants to meet you. So does Amena ElAshkar, the granddaughter of Nakba survivors who has known no home but a refugee camp. Hear their real stories.