Kansas City: North America Nakba Tour
Avila University - Thornhill Gallery 11901 Wornall Road, Kansas CityTuesday, April 16 6:00 pm Avila University - Thornhill Gallery 11901 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/404870346755536/ The 89-year-old Mariam Fathalla and 24-year-old Amena EAshkar share their stories as two stateless Palestinians living in a refugee camp. On May 14, 1948, troops drove out the inhabitants of the ancient Palestinian town of al-Zeeb as part of what is now called al-Nakba (the Catastrophe.) Then 18-year-old Mariam Fathalla and her young husband fled to Lebanon. Now 89 years old, Mariam (Umm Akram) has raised three generations within the confines of a refugee camp. Amena ElAshkar, 24, is a Palestinian journalist and translator as well as the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Nakba survivors. She has known no home other than a refugee camp.