Announcing the 2022 Virtual Nakba Tour
The 2022 Nakba Tour is now available to schedule. Our team from Lebanon, composed of four outstanding Palestinian women, are able to speak virtually about their lives and what it is like to be a stateless Palestinian.
Hanin Youssef graduated from the American University of Beirut with a B.S in Nutrition and Dietetics, and another from the Lebanese University in Chemistry. She has worked as a dietician, a food quality control inspector, a field investigator for employment research, and an English teacher at UNRWA.
Ruba Abdel Jawad graduated from Beirut Arab University in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has been an engineer, designer and estimator in Beirut and Kazakhstan, and also a private tutor in math, physics, biology and chemistry. She is pursuing further education in Social Studies at the Lebanese University.
Samar Mohamad majors in nursing at the American University of Beirut. She is a Palestinian Diploma student at The Academy of Refugee Studies. She is a Research Assistant at her faculty and has volunteered at AUBMC hospital during the Beirut blast and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hiba El Ashkar is pursuing her Master's degree in Instructional designing at the Lebanese University, and had been an English teacher with Save the Children, a translator for media and educational organizations, and a curriculum developer, as well as a volunteer in community organizations and the Palestinian Red Crescent.
Invite these stateless Palestinian refugees to speak (virtually) in your community.
Watch the video (below) of their interview with Pushback with Aaron Maté:
We need your help to tell their story:
- Contact us about hosting a live-streaming event.
- Contact us to help organize in your school, city or region. We're always in need of volunteers.
- Donate!
- And, most importantly: forward this announcement to all of your lists and follow us on Facebook!
Go to nakbatour.com for more information or email us at info@nakbatour.com.
Tour hosts and attendees are saying about the Nakba Tour:
Hosting the Nakba Tour was one of the most successful events we have organized in Columbia, Missouri. Not only were we able to attract a large crowd, but the media coverage was beyond expectation… When meeting and watching 86-year old Umm Akram, carrying the agony of her people on her shoulders while touring North America to tell her story and raise awareness about the Nakba and right of return, I saw in her a living symbol and bright example of Palestinian Sumood (Steadfastness) and endurance.
Jalal El-Jayyousi, Columbia, MO – Local Host and Event Organizer -
Through their personal stories and histories, refugees Mariam Fathallah and Amena El Ashkar bear vital witness to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Day One of the Israeli apartheid regime. This fight against Zionist settler-colonialism intersects with all struggles for justice, past and present, from Soweto to Standing Rock, from Ferguson to Aleppo. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return encourages people of conscience to support and promote the 2017 Nakba Tour however and wherever they can.
David Letwin, New York, NY – Co-Founder, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return -
We can learn much from listening to the ladies of the Nakba Tour. They illuminated historical events and current conditions for refugees in camps in Lebanon that most people seldom hear in the US. The world needs to listen if justice and peace are to prevail. Amena El Ashkar and Mariam Fathallah courageously came forward to share their truth. They were gracious guests and we enjoyed hosting them. My only regret is that they did not have time to stay longer.
Lea Koesterer, St. Louis, MO – Local Host and Event Organizer -
Amena’s presentation and translation of Umm Akram’s stories was direct, honest and heartbreaking. We as activists in the West tend to forget the Palestinians in camps in Lebanon and elsewhere because they don’t get solidarity visits by the hundreds of activists visiting Palestine every year and therefore no one organizes speaking tours for them because no one knows about them. It is vital that these past and future heirs to the land of Palestine have their voices heard.
Katie Miranda, Portland, OR – Local Host and Event Organizer -
The event highlighted for me the exceptionalism of being a Palestinian refugee, unlike any other refugee, they are banned from returning to their home and unable to be absorbed in their host country of Lebanon. This event is extremely informative to fully understand what it means to be a Palestinian living in the diaspora. I highly recommend hosting and/or attending the event for all truth, justice, and knowledge seekers.
Farrah Shields, Sacramento, CA – Event Organizer
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