April 6 – North America Nakba Tour at Israeli Apartheid Week
The 2021 North America Nakba Tour joined Bears for Palestine and the General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) for Israeli Apartheid Week 2021 and a program on Palestinian refugees and the right to return on April 6, 2021:
A Call to Organizers Supporting Palestinian Refugees and their Right of Return
Over the last four years that the North America Nakba Tour has been touring, the message that the Palestinian refugees want and deserve the return of their stolen land and property has been well received by many communities across North America. This year, a new team consisting of four young outstanding
The North America Nakba Tour is in Trouble
We are more than halfway through this year’s Nakba Tour, and it has been wildly popular, to the extent that we have not been able to honor all requests in all parts of the country, and in one case only via live streaming. 89-year-old Mariam Fathalla (Umm Akram) and 25-year-old